Photos from club hosted events and training days are posted here, as well as results and marked catalogs from past trial events.
Our annual agility trials went on with perfect weather, a wonderful hospitality table and some fun courses! Results are posted below. We hope to see you at our next trial!
Saturday April 20, 2024
We had a fabulous time with great spring weather for our second FAST CAT training day. A good group with a wide variety of breeds came to try out the "bunny chase".
We want to thank Four Shepherds photography and Ozzy tech for capturing the runs!
Monday, February 19, 2024 (Presidents' Day)
We had a great time watching all the teams work in the ring. A huge thanks to the volunteers who stepped up to steward the obedience and rally rings, assist anywhere needed, and to those who stayed after to help clean up! We greatly appreciate you all. Results are posted below.
Saturday December 30, 2023
We closed out the year by testing the equipment with practice runs for experienced dogs and got some good training exposure and introductory runs in for dogs new to the sport! Looking forward to successful mock trials in the future, and trials to follow!
We had great weather for a fabulous weekend of agility trials! Thank you to everyone who came to play with their dogs, have fun with friends, and help make the trial another successful event!
External link to the results are below. Redirect to trial secretary - ABBA- website.
A number of dogs came out to work through rally courses or take advantage of the obedience practice ring.All level of rally was offered, and the event was open to members and non-members.
It was an excellent opportunity for brand new dogs and experienced teams to get some practice in a trial-type setting.
We hope to see you at the next event!
This was a fun try-it event open to members and non-members to learn about AKC FAST CAT events, and introduce their dogs to the sport.
Photos taken at the event are available in the album below.
2023 Obedience & Rally Trials
We had a wonderful time at our annual obedience and rally trials.
FDTC wishes to thank all the exhibitors for coming and providing great feedback, the hard working volunteers who helped with set up, worked the trials in or out of the ring, and helped with clean up, Mike LeCuyer Event Photography for documenting those in-ring moments and we want to thank our great judges. All of you helped create a fun day and many great memories with our canine partners..
Hope to see you next year!
If you were at the 2023 trial, your photographs may be viewable at the gallery link provided by Mike LeCuyer Event Photography below.
FDTC would like to thank Mike LeCuyer Event Photography for coming out to capturing trial memories!!